Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fan of Clouds

Here's one I took a few months ago while watching the sunset on the Sanibel causeway.  The sky was amazing that night and changed dramatically over and over...I think I took over 150 photos that night.

Monday, July 19, 2010


This gross stuff grows on the trunks of the palm trees around here.  I have no idea what it is...but it looks nasty. A little something different from my regular skies.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Farewell to My Little Girl

I lost my little girl yesterday to kidney disease.  My heart is broken for the loss, but what a blessing she was for the years she was with me. She was so sweet and loving...a comforting companion. We both fought her disease as best we could, but eventually it was just the right and merciful thing to do to let her go. At the end, she was exhausted but just as beautiful as ever.  I will miss her and remember her forever as I still do her partner Shadow. Farewell my sweet, beautiful little girl...I love my girl.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sunset Flight

Was capturing the sunset from the building recently and it's now setting more north than I'm used to...so I'm getting alot of planes coming into Miami International Airport. Can't imagine how beautiful it looked from the window seat...